Hey Guys...

    To those of you who actually follow or like this blog, I have some.... different. So, unfortunately I haven't been post as much. Well, it's because I have a bunch of school work, chores, etc. Aha. Well, obviously I will be back, but it's kind of unaware how long it's gonna be until I have official came back. For now, here's some blogs to check out! Thanks!

Check Out While I'm Gone:

It's Super Bowl XLIII!

Well, grab out your chips, dip, soda, chicken wings, and pizza! Today is the Super Bowl XLIII. So, for those of you with no Television, I will post the final score today. Well, The Super Bowl will be on at 3:00 western time, on NBC, and 6:00 central time, on NBC. So, cya!

©2009 Ace's Jukebox | by TNB